What Are the Dims of the Mini Pleasant Pheasant?

We were pleasantly surprised to see the outpouring of interest in the 5'2 Mini Pleasant Pheasant.
We posted photos of this board on Instagram a few days ago, as part of our usual New Board Friday, and the interest level was... notable.
Griffin and I have long joked about how big or small each model could be stretched (or shrunken) so with all the fun we've been having on the Mini Walks on Water, we've been kicking around which other models to scale.
Then, Drew Meseck unknowingly told Griff "I'd love to try a Pleasant Pheasant but really small."
To which Griffin replied "How small?"
"Okay, let me see what I can cook up."
Several weeks later, this is what emerged from Griffin's shaping bay and the glass shop:
Meet the first prototype 5'2 Mini Pleasant Pheasant.
The plan is to get this board under Drew's feet this week—maybe even as early as this Friday's Early & Often Surf Club meet-up. Make sure you're on our email list for all of the details there.
The dimensions for the Mini Pleasant Pheasant pencil out like this:
- 5'2 x 20 1/8” x 2.5 x 29.72L
- 5'4 x 20 3/8 x 2.5 x 30.96L
- 5'6 x 20.5 x 2 7/16 x 33.27L
- 5'8 x 20.75 x 2 7/16. x 34.29L
Stay tuned for some photo & video content of this board in action soon...
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