We're Building

The first quarter of the year is the perfect time for building. Spring is not here yet; Summer is a promise that looms in the distance.
The whole natural world follows a rhythm. Pruning and growing. Sowing and harvesting. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
However, we humans with enough artificial light, thermostats, and caffeine have mastered the art of operating at maximum output—all year long.
Whether we like it or not, we're not always in a harvest season. (At least not yet, anyway).
Right now, we are building, developing, and testing.
The principal aim of every product oriented brand should be to ensure that your next work is your best work.
The unseen part of following your favorite brands is that many times the new product launches are the result of several years of design, sourcing, sampling, testing, and revising.
We're approaching our 16 year anniversary in a couple of weeks, and we have some great things in store for you later this year. There has been a bit of confusion why the shop is only open on Fridays & Saturdays right now, but the best answer I can give is "we're building".
Thanks for being such an integral part of our journey. Our next stuff is going to be our best stuff.