Dane Flinn // Surf Thump Fade
Thomas Green snapped this photo of Dane fading left on his 9'2 Surf Thump this week in Newport. ...
6'0 Kookumber // Grid Deck Inlay
6'0 Kookumber with grid deck inlay, propped up by Dane Flinn. Singlefin Box. This might come in...
6'0 Kookumber // 5-Stringer
Dane Flinn, modeling a new 6'0 Kookumber with 5-stringers, a 2-tone tint wrap, a mahogany Kookumb...
5'5 Mailbox // Dane Flinn
5'5 Mailbox with a F8 opaque and plywood Twin + Trailer fins by Gully. Modeled by Dane Flinn, fo...
Dane Flinn // New Trusty Thrusty
If you haven't noticed, we call nearly anything with 3 fins on it a "Trusty Thrusty" so... here's...
Dane Flinn // Tricks Are For...
I mentioned recently that Dane prefers to do different types of surfing maneuvers than I do... he...
Dane Flinn // Shortboard Preference
Dane likes to do different types of surfing maneuvers than I do; therefore he likes different sh...